Sensors function keys, F1 mode, F2 data properties – PASCO Xplorer-GLX Users’ Guide User Manual

Page 63

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X p l o r e r G L X U s e r s ’ G u i d e


Zero Automatically On Start

This setting appears for sensors that support

zeroing (such as acceleration, rotary motion, and drop counter sensors). The three
choices are “On,” “Off,” and “Zero Now.” When “On” is selected (which it is by
default), the sensor measurement is adjusted with each new data run to make the
first sample zero. When “Off” is selected, the measurement is not automatically
zeroed. When you select “Zero Now,” the measurement is adjusted to make
present value zero, but it will not be re-zeroed at the start of data collection.


Each of the sensor’s measurements have a “Visible” or “Not

Visible” tag. Visible measurements appear in the data source menus of the dis-
play screens. Select a measurement to change its setting from “Visible” to “Not
Visible,” or vice-versa.


A measurement set to “Not Visible” does not appear in the displays’ data
source menus; however, it is still accessible by selecting “More” from the
menu. See “Expanding the Data Source Menu” on page 89.

Sensors Function Keys

F1 Mode

The Mode menu contains options for how the GLX collects data. When you
select a sampling mode


, that mode is applied to all sensors.

Continuous Sampling

Continuous Sampling is the default and most com-

monly used mode. In this mode, when you press

, the GLX starts to collect

and record data from every sensor at a constant rate. Data collection stops when
you press


The rate of data collection is determined separately for each sensor. See
“Sample Rate” on page 56 for more information.

Manual Sampling

Select Manual Sampling from the Mode menu to record a

series of single manually triggered samples. See page 60 for instructions on set-
ting up and using manual sampling.

F2 Data Properties

To open the Data Properties dialog box for a sensor measurement, first use the
arrow keys to highlight the measurement, then press

. See page 69 for a

description of the Data Properties dialog box.


To change the visibility of a mea-


1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the


2. Press .

Click on the word “Visible.”


To select a sampling mode

1. Press

to open the Mode menu.

2. Use the arrow keys to highlight the

desired menu option and press


or press the number on the keypad
corresponding to the desired menu

1. Click Mode to open the menu.
2. Click the desired menu option.



Modes menu


To open the Properties dialog box,

highlight a measurement before you

