Chapter 3: settings and files, Sensors screen, To open the sensors screen – PASCO Xplorer-GLX Users’ Guide User Manual
Page 61: Working with multiple sensors, Chapter 3: settings and files sensors screen
X p l o r e r G L X U s e r s ’ G u i d e
C h a p te r 3 : S e t t i n g s a n d F i l e s
S e n s o r s S c r e e n
In many cases, the sensor set-up process requires nothing more than simply plug-
ging in a sensor. However, if you would like to change any of the sensor settings,
or configure a sensor that you have not physically plugged in, or change the
mode of data collection, go to the Sensors screen. Also use the Sensors Screen to
configure the GLX’s microphone as a sound sensor.
Sensors screen
To Open the Sensors Screen
From the Home Screen, do one of the following:
, the function key below the Sensors icon;
use the arrow keys to highlight the Sensors icon and press
; or
click the Sensors icon.
From anywhere in the GLX environment, you can always open the Sensors
Screen with the shortcut
Working with Multiple Sensors
An icon for each sensor connected to the GLX appears at the top of the screen.
A box around one of the icons indicates the selected sensor. Use the left and right
arrow keys (or mouse) to select the sensor that you want to set up. The settings
for the selected sensor appear in the lower part of the screen.
The Sensors icon on
the Home Screen
In some cases, an icon for a sensor that
is not physically connected to the GLX
appears in the Sensor screen. Such
icons are designated with
Multiple Sensors
Selected Sensor
Top portion of the Sensors screen;
this GLX is connected to an accelera-
tion sensor and a force sensor