PASCO Xplorer-GLX Users’ Guide User Manual

Page 27

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X p l o r e r G L X U s e r s ’ G u i d e


The Trigger affects data recording even if you are not viewing the Graph. If you
have set up two or more triggers on separate Graph pages,


data recording will

start when the most recently set trigger condition is met.

Trigger Settings

When the Trigger is turned on, you can open the Trigger Set-

tings dialog box by pressing the left arrow key (you can also select it from the
Tools menu). In the dialog box, use the arrow keys to highlight Trigger Enabled
and press

to enable or disable the Trigger. To change the edge from rising to

falling, or vice-versa, use the arrow keys to highlight Trigger Edge and press

. To set the level, use the arrow keys to highlight Trigger Level, press


enter the desired value on the keypad, and press


You can also turn on the Stop Condition, which causes data collection to auto-
matically stop at a specified time. To turn on the Stop Condition in the Trigger
Settings dialog box, use the arrow keys to highlight Stop Condition and press

. When the Stop Condition is on, an icon (

) and vertical dashed line

appear on the Graph indicating the stop time. While viewing the Graph, hold

and press the left and right arrow keys to adjust the stop time. For the

Stop Condition to work, the Trigger must be turned on (but does need to be

When you have finished changing the settings in the Trigger Settings dialog box,

to accept the changes, or press

to cancel them.


Use the Zoom Tool to enlarge an area that you define by drawing a rect-

angle. Select Zoom from the Tools menu; a zoom cursor (

) appears. Move the

cursor (using the arrow keys) to where you want one corner of the rectangle.

. Move the cursor to define the diagonally opposite corner of the rect-

angle. Press

again. The area enclosed by the rectangle enlarges to fill the


If you have a mouse, you do not have to open the Tools menu to zoom.

Just hold down

while you click and drag on the Graph to draw the rectangle.


Zoom Tool

Swap Cursors

This option appears in the Tools menu when you are using the

Delta Tool, Statistics, Linear Fit, or Area Tool. When you select Swap Cursors,
the active and inactive cursors swap places, allowing you to move the previously
stationary corner of the Delta Tool or side of the ROI.

To swap cursors without opening the menu: hold

, press

, and release

both keys.

Toggle Active Data

This option appears in the Tools menu when the Graph is

in one of the two-data set modes (see pages 23–24). Select it to switch focus from
one data set to the other. The active data set is the one to which the Data Cursor


For information about multiple Graph

pages, see “New Graph Page” on
page 24



Trigger Settings dialog box

Stop time

Stop condition






See also page 17 for other ways to

scale the Graph with a mouse.

Area enlarges.

Position the cursor to define one corner.

Press .

Move the cursor to define the opposite corner.

Press .


Swap Cursors Shortcut


