B&B Electronics ADAM-6066 - Manual User Manual
Page 95

Chapter 5
When you choose Counter mode, one counter will count the pulse num-
ber of the digital signal from the selected channel, and then record the
count number in the register. The image of the Status Display area looks
similar as that of DI mode. At the bottom of the Status Display area, cur-
rent count value of the selected channel is displayed by the Counter
value text box. You can start or stop the counter to count by clicking the
Star/Stop button next to the Counter value text box. You also can reset
the counter (the value in the register will be initialized to zero) by click-
ing the Clear button.
Like the DI mode, you can enable/disable the Invert DI Status function
and digital filter in the Setting area. The operation is the same. There is
one extra setting that you can define if the counter should keep the last
value when ADAM-6000 digital module powers off. If you enable this
function, when the digital module powers off, the last value of counter
will be kept in the register. As the module powers on, the counter will
continuously count from that value. Without this function, when the mod-
ule powers off, the counter will reset and the count value in the register
will be zero. You can enable or disable this function by clicking the Keep
last value when power off check box. Remember to click the Apply all
button for all channels or Apply this button for this specific channel to
complete the configuration.
Low to High Latch
When you choose Low to High Latch mode, once the digital input chan-
nel detects logic level changes from low to high, the logic status will be
keep as logic high. The logic status will remain the logic high, until you
clear latch manually. Then the logic status will back to logic low. The
logic status can be seen by the Latch status LED display at the bottom of
the Status Display area. You can clear latch by clicking the Clear latch
button. It is the same as DI mode that you can enable or disable the Invert
DI Status function in the Setting area. Remember to click the Apply all
button for all channels or Apply this button for this specific channel to
complete the configuration.