B&B Electronics ADAM-6066 - Manual User Manual

Page 162

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ADAM-6000 Series User Manual



Read Alarm Limit

Description Returns the High/Low alarm limit value for the specified

input channel in the addressed ADAM-6000 module

Syntax $aaCjRhU(cr)

$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal
slave address of an ADAM-6000 module.
(Always 01)
Cj identifies the desired analog input channel j (j : 0 to 7).
RhU is the Read Alarm Limit command.
h indicates alarm type (H = High alarm, L = Low alarm)
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)

Response !aa(data)(cr) if the command was valid

?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the system detects a syntax error or
communication error or if the address does not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal slave
address of the corresponding ADAM-6000 module.
(data) represents the desired alarm limit setting. The format
is always in engineering units.
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)


command: $01C1RHU(cr)
response: !01+2.0500(cr) Channel 1 of the ADAM-6000
module at address 01h is configured to accept 5V input. The
command instructs the system to return the High alarm limit
value for that channel.
The system responds that the High alarm limit value in the
desired channel is 2.0500 V.