C.2.4 wire impedance, Figure c.5: high voltage transmission, Figure c.5:high voltage transmission – B&B Electronics ADAM-6066 - Manual User Manual

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ADAM-6000 Series User Manual


C.2.4 Wire impedance

Figure C.5: High Voltage Transmission

• What’s the purpose of high voltage transmission? We have all seen high

voltage transmission towers. The power plant raises the voltage while
generating the power, then a local power station steps down the voltage.
What is the purpose of high voltage transmission wires ? According to
the energy formula, P = V * I, the current is reduced when the voltage is
raised. As you know, each cable has impedance because of the metal it
is made of. Referring to Ohm’s Law, (V = I * R) this decreased current
means lower power losses in the wire. So, high voltage lines are for
reducing the cost of moving electrical power from one place to another.