B&B Electronics ADAM-6066 - Manual User Manual

Page 88

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ADAM-6000 Series User Manual


ADAM-6015, 6017 and 6018 modules all feature built-in alarm function.
At the lower part of the Status Display area, there are two tabs to config-
ure the high alarm and low alarm for the selected channel: High alarm
and Low alarm. When the analog input value is higher than the high
alarm value, or lower than the low alarm value, the alarm condition
. Then the alarm status will be activated to logic high. For ADAM-
6015 module, ADAM.NET Utility can detect the alarm status and show it
by the Alarm status LED display. For ADAM-6017 and ADAM-6018
module, when the alarm condition occurs, the Alarm status LED display
will be lit. Besides, the specified digital output channel will generate
logic high value if you build the mapping relationship between alarm and
DO channel in the DO mapping area. You can set the DO channel by
Channel combo box in the DO mapping area. After choosing the inter-
ested channel, click the Apply button.

There are three alarm modes. You can select the alarm mode by the
Alarm mode combo box for the low alarm and high alarm respectively.

Disable: Alarm is disabled. So even when the alarm condition
occurs, nothing will happen.


Latch: Once the alarm condition occurs, the alarm status will be
activated to logic high level and will keep the value until the alarm
is clear manually. Before the value is clear, the Alarm status LED
will continuously be lit. For ADAM-6017 and ADAM-6018 mod-
ule, the specific output channel (chosen in the DO mapping area)
will continuously generate logic high value. You can clear the
alarm by click the Clear latch button.


Momentary: The alarm status will dynamically change depends on
if the alarm condition occurs. If the alarm condition occurs, the
alarm status will be logic high. If the alarm condition disappears,
the alarm status will be logic low. So not only the Alarm status
LED in the utility but also the specific digital output channel value
will change depend on the alarm condition.

After you choose the alarm mode for high alarm or low alarm, click the
Apply mode button. Then you can define the high alarm value or low
alarm value by entering the value in Alarm limit text box. After you
enter the alarm value, click the Apply limit button. Once you have con-
figured the alarm mode and alarm value, you can leverage ADAM-6000
analog input alarm function.