Figure 5.14: individual channel configuration: di, Figure 5.14:individual channel configuration: di – B&B Electronics ADAM-6066 - Manual User Manual

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ADAM-6000 Series User Manual


Figure 5.14: Individual Channel Configuration: DI

You can choose different mode for that digital input channel by choosing
the DI mode combo box at top of Status Display area. (You should
choose the appropriate mode depending on the hardware specification.)
After you have chosen the mode, click the Apply mode button. There are
a total of five possible DI modes you can choose:



Figure 5.14 is the image when you choose DI mode. At the bottom of the
Status Display area, you can see the digital input value by DI status
LED display. If the digital module you are using supports Invert DI Status
function, there will be Invert signal check box in the Setting area. You
can click the check box to enable or disable that function. Remember to
click the Apply all button for all channels or Apply this button for this
specific channel to complete the configuration. When you enable the
Invert DI Status function, the ADAM-6000 digital module will automati-
cally inverse the digital input value. For example, if the real external sig-
nal value is logic level low, then the DI status LED display will be lit.
All ADAM-6000 digital modules support digital filter, so you can enable
or disable the filter by click the Enable digital filter check box. If you
enable the filter, you can define the minimum acceptable signal width by
the Minimum low signal width and Minimum high signal width text
box. (Unit: ms) The high frequency noise will be removed by this filter.
Remember to click the Apply all button for all channels or Apply this
button for this specific channel to complete the configuration.