B&B Electronics ADAM-6066 - Manual User Manual
Page 198

ADAM-6000 Series User Manual
Note: When your output destination is not Local, meaning there will be
communication between the specific ADAM-6000 module to its target
device, remember to use Ethernet switch to connect the ADAM-6000
module with its target device. Do not use an Ethernet hub. This can pre-
vent data packet collision.
After you decide the target device, then you can choose the output action
by the Operation Type combo box. The default setting is NoOperation,
meaning there is no output action. You can choose analog output (AO),
digital output (DO), counter channel setting (DI_counter), pulse output
(DO_Pulse), local timer (Timer), local or remote internal flag (Aux-
Flag), remote message output (RemoteMessage) and local internal coun-
ter setting (Counter) as the output action.
After you have chosen the target device and output action, you can click
the Verify button to check if the target device exists and supports GCL
feature to execute the output action. (If you choose NoOperation as out-
put action, it will not check.) After you choose the appropriate output
action and complete all related setting, click the OK button. That Output
stage icon will change its pattern to present the current condition. We will
describe each output action in more detail below.
Analog Output (AO)
Below are the steps to configure analog output:
Choose correct model name by the Target module combo box in
the Operation area. If the Destination is Local, you don't need to
choose the model name.
Choose the appropriate output range by the TargetRange combo.
Define which channel is responsible to generate output signal on
the target device by the Channel combo box.
Define what value is generated by the Value text box. (The unit of
the value depends on the range in the TargetRange combo box.)
Click the OK button to complete the configuration.
Note: You can see the action description by the Action text box. When the
logic result value passed from Execution stage is logic True, the selected
analog output channel will generate the new value you defined. When the
logic result value passed from Execution stage is logic False, the selected
analog output channel will not change its output value.