Chapter 1 understanding your system, 1 introduction, Figure 1.1: adam-6000 system architecture – B&B Electronics ADAM-6066 - Manual User Manual

Page 12: Chapter, 1 understanding your system, Introduction, Figure 1.1:adam-6000 system architecture

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ADAM-6000 Series User Manual


Chapter 1 Understanding Your System

1.1 Introduction

ADAM-6000 Ethernet-based data acquisition and control modules pro-
vide I/O, data acquisitions, and networking in one module to build a cost-
effective, distributed monitoring and control solution for a wide variety of
applications. Through standard Ethernet networking, ADAM-6000
retrieves I/O values from sensors, and can publish them as a real-time I/O
values to networking nodes via LAN, Intranet, or Internet. With Ethernet-
enabled technology, ADAM-6000 series modules build up a cost-effec-
tive DA&C system for Building Automation, Environmental Monitoring,
Facility Management and eManufacturing applications. Please refer to
Figure 1-1 for a brief overview of the ADAM-6000 system architecture.

Figure 1.1: ADAM-6000 System Architecture