Figure 5.7: analog input trend log, Figure 5.7:analog input trend log – B&B Electronics ADAM-6066 - Manual User Manual

Page 85

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Chapter 5

At the bottom of the Status Display area, you can see five tabs to see ana-
log input value of all channels:


Channel Setting

You can see the current value of analog input on this tab. (For ADAM-
6017 and ADAM-6018 modules, the value of digital input channel is also
displayed on this tab.) Simply choose the check box of the channels you
want to monitor and click the Apply button.
Besides, you can see the graphical historical trend by clicking the Trend
Log button. Refer to Figure 5.7 below. Simply choose the check box of
the channels you want to log in the Channel Setting area at right side,
and then click the Apply button. After that, click the Start button and the
data log will start. You can see the real-time historical trend. If you click
the Stop button, then you can click the Save to file to save the trend data
into your computer.

Figure 5.7: Analog Input Trend Log

With the wire burn-out detection function of ADAM-6015 and
ADAM-6018, if there is no sensor connected to the input channel of
ADAM-6015 or ADAM-6018 module, you can see “Burn out” characters
showing in the text box of related channel.