B&B Electronics ADAM-6066 - Manual User Manual

Page 138

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ADAM-6000 Series User Manual


flag value(s).
Each character represents 4 GCL internal flags’ values.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)

Response >aa(cr) if the command was valid.

?aa(cr) if an invalid command has been issued.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or
communication error or if the address does not exist.
> delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal slave
address of a module that is responding.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)

Example command:


response: >01(cr)
This command sets all GCL internal flags values.
Values of All GCL internal flags (Flag 0 ~ 15) are logic low.

command: #01Vd00000000FFFF(cr)
response: >01(cr)
This command sets all GCL internal flags values.
Values of All GCL internal flags (Flag 0 ~ 15) are logic high.

command: #01Vd100300000001(cr)
response: >01(cr)
This command sets one specific GCL internal flag value.
GCL internal flag (Flag 3) is logic high.

command: #01Vd100E00000000(cr)
response: >01(cr)
This command sets one specific GCL internal flag value.
GCL internal flag (Flag 14) is logic low.