Figure 7.30: gcl logic for flicker, Figure 7.31: time chart for rising edge – B&B Electronics ADAM-6066 - Manual User Manual
Page 219

Chapter 7
We need to use 1 Internal Flag (Flag 0) and 2 logic rules for the Flicker
application described above. In logic rule 1, the value of Flag 0 is
inverted (By choosing NAND in the Logic stage) periodically. (Here, it is
0.5 second) The period is defined by the Execution_Period in the Execu-
tion Stage. (Refer to the Section 7.3.3) The status of DO 0 is controlled
by Flag 0 in logic rule 2, so DO 0 will change every 0.5 second. The GCL
logic rule architecture is shown by Figure 7.30 below:
Figure 7.30: GCL Logic for Flicker
Rising Edge
For Rising Edge application, the DO status will be activated to logic high,
when DI value is changed from logic low to logic high (it is so-called ris-
ing edge). But the DO value won’t continuously remain logic high.
Instead, after a specific time interval (in the example, it is 1 second), the
DO value will return to logic low. Refer below for its time chart:
Figure 7.31: Time Chart for Rising Edge
Flag 0
DO 0
Flag 0
Rule 1
Rule 2
500 ms
Flag 0
0 ms
DO 0
T0 + 1 second
T1 + 1 second
DI 0
Rising Edge