B&B Electronics ADAM-6066 - Manual User Manual

Page 110

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ADAM-6000 Series User Manual


• boolean ForceCoil(int CoilAddr, boolean IsTrunOn)
This method is used for digital output of module channels. The parameter
CoilAddr is integer data type and the coil address of the channel.
IsTrueOn is the parameter used to indicate ON or OFF. If the method is
successful, it will return true.

• boolean ReadCoil(int StartingAddr, int NoOfPoint, byte Mod-
BusRTU[]) This method is used for digital input of module channels. The
parameter StartingAddr is the starting address of desired channel. NoOf-
Point is to indicate how many desired channels to be monitored. Both of
the parameters are of integer data type. The third parameter, ModBusRTU
is an array with data type of byte, which is used to carry digital inputs of
the desired channels. The default size is 128.

• boolean ReadRegister(int StartingAddr, int NoOfPoint, byte Mod-
BusRTU[]) This method is used for analog input of module channels. The
parameter StartingAddr is the starting address of desired channel. NoOf-
Point is to indicate how many desired channels to be monitored. Both of
the parameters are of integer data type. The third parameter, ModBusRTU
is an array with data type of byte, which is used to carry analog inputs of
the desired channels. The default size is 128.

An Example
To process ADAM-6060 input and display the result/status on an applet,
we will use objects from the standard java class library and the class we
develop. Specifically, we provide Modbus class to handle the communi-
cation with ADAM-6000 I/O modules. Now we’re going to teach you
step by step how to customize your Web page.