Sagem 4450E User Manual

Page 134

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3P@C Installation Manual

Page 7-19

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Step 2: Use the default user name “admin” and default password “3P@C” to log in.


To use the original configuration continuously, the user can go
on to Step 3. To configure the user name and password again,
ignore the following steps.

Step 3: Transfer the startup-config configuration file to the terminal equipment in the FTP/Xmodem mode.

Step 4: Modify the uploaded file. Replace the user management part of the uploaded configuration file with the
following data:

user add admin login-password b58317da28dc92ba6c5509c317c633b8

user role admin ADMIN enable-password b58317da28dc92ba6c5509c317c633b8

Step 5: Download the modified configuration file to the Flash of the equipment

Step 6: Reboot the equipment.