To quiesce the i/o on the a3/b3 link, Determine the path you want to disable, Disable the path by typing the following – Sun Microsystems StorEdge 6900 Series User Manual
Page 29: Verify that the path is disabled, To suspend the i/o on the a3/b3 link
Chapter 2
General Troubleshooting Procedures
For Internal Use Only
To Quiesce the I/O on the A3/B3 Link
1. Determine the path you want to disable.
2. Disable the path by typing the following:
3. Verify that the path is disabled:
Steps 1 and 2 halt I/O only up to the A3/B3 link. I/O will continue to move over the
T1 & T2 paths, as well as the A4/B4 links to the Sun StorEdge T3+ array.
To Suspend the I/O on the A3/B3 Link
Use one of the following methods to suspend I/O while the failover occurs:
1. Stop all customer applications that are accessing the Sun StorEdge T3+ array.
2. Manually pull the link from the Sun StorEdge T3+ array to the switch and wait
for a Sun StorEdge T3+ array LUN failover.
a. After the failover occurs, replace the cable and proceed with testing and FRU
b. After testing is complete and any FRU replacement is finished, return the
controller state back to the default by using the virtualization engine failback
Caution –
This action will cause SCSI errors on the data host and a brief suspension
of I/O while the failover occurs.
# vxdmpadm disable ctlr=
# vxdmpadm listctlr all