Multi-Tech Systems MTS2SA-T User Manual
Page 179

Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiConnect Serial-to-Serial Adapter User Guide (S000354A)
POP3 - Retrieving Emails Headers Scenario
POP3 - Retrieving Emails Scenario
POP3 - Retrieving First t Lines Scenario
POP3 - Retrieving the Number of Emails Scenario
POP3 – Retrieving the Unique Email ID Scenario
POP3 - Sending a Mime Encoded Binary Email Scenario
POP3 client
POP3 Client Commands
delete the receive-mail
receive-mail header
receive-mail list
receive-mail mail
receive-mail top
receive-mail unique ID listing
set receive-mail leave on server
set receive-mail mailbox name
set receive-mail mailbox password
set receive-mail server name
set receive-mail server port
show receive-mail configuration
show receive-mail statistics
POP3 Error Messages
PPP Configuration
PPP Setup Commands
set PPP authentication
set PPP authentication type
set PPP compression
set PPP compression type
set PPP dialing retry interval
set PPP idle timeout
set PPP IPCP mode
set PPP local IP address mask
set PPP maximum dialing retries
set PPP password
set PPP remote IP address mask
set PPP user name
show PPP IP address
show PPP link status
show PPP PPP0 configuration
show PPP statistics
prerequisite tasks
..........................................................65, 73, 81
Prerequisites for SMTP
Prerequisites POP3 Client
Prerequisites PPP
PSTN Transmit Attenuation Level S91
Pulse Dial Make/Break Ratio Select command &P
Pulse Dialing Set Default command P
Quiet Result Codes Enable/Disable command Q
Reduced Development Time
Repeat command A/
Replacement Parts
Report Syntax command +MCR
Report Syntax command +MRR
Reserved S-Registers S19 and S20
Reset modem IP command
Restore default configuration IP command
Restore Factory Configuration command &F
Restore session IP command
Result Code Form command V
Result codes
Result Codes
.................................................................... 85
Retrieved Caller (CID) Report command +VRID
.... 108
Return Online to Data Mode command O
........................ 90
Revision Identification Request command +GMR
........ 104
Ring counter setting S1
.................................................. 118
Rings S0, setting number of
........................................... 118
RLSD (DCD) Option command &C
................................ 92
RTS/CTS Option command &R
...................................... 93
Save IP command
............................................................. 17
Selective Reject command +ESR
.................................. 103
Serial auto dial-in in Telnet Scenario
............................... 76
Serial Tunneling Mode Scenario
...................................... 79
Set authentication for Telnet auto-dialout IP command
... 19
Set auto dial-in IP address IP command
........................... 29
Set boot messages IP command
....................................... 18
Set date IP command
........................................................ 18
Set daylight saving end month SNMP Client command
.. 60
Set daylight saving end ordinal SNMP Client command
. 59
Set daylight saving end time SNMP Client command
...... 60
Set daylight saving end weekday SNMP Client command
..................................................................................... 60
Set daylight saving mode SNMP Client command
.......... 58
Set daylight saving offset SNMP Client command
.......... 58
Set daylight saving start month SNMP Client command
. 59
Set daylight saving start ordinal SNMP Client command
Set daylight saving start time SNMP Client command
.... 59
Set daylight saving start weekday SNMP Client command
..................................................................................... 59
Set escape-monitor flag IP command
............................... 27
Set FTP device name FTP Client command
..................... 55
Set FTP session trigger FTP Client command
.................. 56
Set HTTP device parameter IP command
........................ 47
Set HTTP page IP command
............................................ 47
Set HTTP port IP command
............................................. 47
Set HTTP save parameters IP command
.......................... 48
Set HTTP server IP command
.......................................... 47
Set IP DNS client IP command
........................................ 23
Set IP host name IP command
.......................................... 23
Set IP TCP keep-alive timeout IP command
.................... 24
Set login IP command
...................................................... 19
Set NTP server name SNMP Client command
................. 57
Set operation mode IP command
...................................... 18
Set polling time SNMP Client command
......................... 58
Set POP3 receive-mail header IP command
..................... 53
Set POP3 receive-mail leave on server IP command
........ 53
Set POP3 receive-mail list IP command
........................... 53
Set POP3 receive-mail mail IP command
........................ 53
Set POP3 receive-mail mailbox name IP command
......... 52
Set POP3 receive-mail mailbox password IP command
... 52
Set POP3 receive-mail server name IP command
............ 52
Set POP3 receive-mail server port IP command
.............. 52
Set POP3 receive-mail top IP command
.......................... 54
Set POP3 receive-mail unique ID listing IP command
..... 54
Set POP3 to delete the receive-mail IP command
............ 53
Set PPP authentication IP command
................................ 42
Set PPP authentication type IP command
......................... 42
Set PPP compression type IP command
........................... 42
Set PPP dialing maximum retries IP command
................ 43
Set PPP dialing retry interval IP command
...................... 43
Set PPP idle timeout IP command
.................................... 43
Set PPP IPCP mode IP command
.................................... 43
Set PPP local IP address mask IP command
.................... 44
Set PPP password IP command
........................................ 44
Set PPP remote IP address mask IP command
................ 44