Rda setup: option 1 – IntelliTrack Package Track User Manual

Page 35

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Chapter 2



Domain Name: network domain name that the Batch Portable applica-
tion and database will use to communicate with each other. The
Domain Name is usually assigned by the network administrator. It s
only used in a domain environment.

Domain Security Account: requires a username and password for log-
ging into IIS services. It is only used in a domain environment.

IIS Account: an administrative tool that your handheld device or PDT
uses to communicate with the database.

IIS Anonymous User: if IIS is installed, a built-in account for anony-
mous access to IIS.

IIS Server: the PC on which IIS resides. It is either your local PC or a
remote PC/server, depending on your configuration option.

IIS Sub folder: the IIS folder found in the IntelliTrack Package Track
program directory. the directory is typically located at: C:\Program
Files\Common Files\IntelliTrack\IIS
. It contains the
resource dll (sqlcesa35.dll) for the application’s use of IIS.

Resource Dll: The application uses the resource dll, sqlcesa35.dll, for

IIS Virtual Directory: if using a remote PC/server option with IIS, the
virtual directory is the network location where IIS resides.

Permissions: security rights to write and use the IIS account with your
IntelliTrack application.

Sync URL: the address for the IIS sub folder in which the resource dll
resides. (This is a network location if your IIS account resides on a
server PC.) Depending on your configuration, it should look similar to:
http://{IIS computer name}/IntelliTrack/
or http://{IIS Computer Name}/{vir-
tual directory name}/sqlcesa35.dll

DMS_USER Role: IntelliTrack Package Track user account in SQL
Server. If using a remote PC/server configuration for IIS, the IIS user
needs permission to use SQL Server database.

Windows NT Authentication: uses your Windows password and login
when you log into SQL Express or SQL Server.

RDA Setup:
Option 1

In RDA Setup Option 1, all RDA components are installed on one local