Epson 3865X Plus User Manual
Page 98

You see the following message:
Epson Speed Control Utility
[ / L ]
[ / A l
/High = set High speed (no auto)
= set Low speed (no auto)
/Auto = set Auto speed
The message tells you the switches you should use
to set the
speed to high, low, or automatic speed. At the MS-DOS
prompt, type the E-SPEED command again and include the
appropriate switch, such as the following:
This command sets the processor speed to change to low speed
automatically when the computer accesses a diskette.
If you include the switch when you type the initial ESPEED
command, the program changes the speed without displaying
the Speed Control Utility message.
The processor speed you set remains in effect until you press the
button or turn off the computer, or until you change it
using the Setup program, another keyboard command, or the
ESPEED program again.
Entering the ESPEED command in a batch file
You may want to run the ESPEED program by including the
command in a batch file. For example, if you have a program
called SAMPLE which requires an 8 MHz processor speed when
the program is running on a diskette, you could include the
following commands in a batch file to start the SAMPLE
Enhancing System Operations