Epson 3865X Plus User Manual
Page 311

An extra copy of a program, data file, or disk, that is created in
the event your working copy is damaged or lost.
Base memory
The memory in the computer below 1MB that is available to
MS-DOS and application programs-usually 640KB. Also
called conventional memory or main memory.
Batch file
A type of file that lets you execute a series of MS-DOS
commands by typing one command. Batch files are text files
with the filename extension .BAT. In a batch file, each
command is entered on a separate line. When you type the
filename, MS-DOS executes all the commands in that file
Basic Input/Output System. Routines in ROM (Read Only
Memory) that handle basic input/output functions of the
operating system.
A binary digit (0 or 1). The smallest unit of computer storage.
The value of a bit represents the presence (1) or absence (0) of
an electric charge.
To load the operating system into the computer’s memory.
A sequence or group of eight bits that represents one character.
2 G l o s s a r y