Automatic software updates, New in notion 6.8, New in notion 6.7 – PreSonus Notion 6 - Notation Software (Boxed) User Manual

Page 6: New in notion 6.6, New in notion 6.5, New in notion 6.4, New in notion 6.8 - quick overview

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New in Notion 6.8

Studio One 5.1:

Notion supports new elements in Studio One’s score editor, including the ability to transfer key changes,

instrument transposition, layout and more . See

Chapter 15.7

PreSonus Sphere:

Fixes for Sphere subscriptions

Video Window:

On Windows a number of improvements have been made to the video window


New Portuguese language


Support for plug-ins that use legacy copy protection on macOS Catalina

See the whole list here:

New in Notion 6.7

Studio One 5:

Notion can now send receive score data with Studio One’s new Score Editor . See

Chapter 15.7

PreSonus Sphere:

Notion can now be activated with PreSonus Sphere . Enter your email and product key to activate . If

you already have Studio One 5 or the PreSonus Hub application activated with your Sphere account, then Notion will

automatically be activated .


Now handles incomplete ties in Continuous View; fixes for clef and key signature issues in Continuous view


Stability Fixes; Updated Windows installer; Updated EULA


New minimum requirements for Notion 6: Windows 10 64-bit and macOS 10 .13 High Sierra

See the whole list here:

New in Notion 6.6


Multiple fixes to handwriting recognition (see changelog link for more info below)

Music XML fixes:

Grace notes now imported with beaming information; better handling of beaming information on


TAB pitches now not wrongly transposed by an octave on export, for non-transposing fretted instruments (e.g.


now exports chords as expected, when the chords originated in Studio One’s Chord Track; fix for some symbols

being abbreviated (e .g . pizz) and some duplicated (e .g . legato-accent) on export


5th string fret numbers now start at 5th fret as expected


Lyrics now paste as expected, when copying lyrics that cross a measure line; fix for issue that occurs when buffer

sizes are different between ReWire and Notion; fix for enabling some plug-ins (reported by users of Output Movement

and RealStrat); can now right click with Cmd+Click on Mac on an FX insert to remove it .


Notion now compatible with dual Xeon / multi-core processors

See the whole list here:

New in Notion 6.5

Further integration with PreSonus Studio One:

drum tracks from Studio One are now converted into standard drum


MusicXML enhancements:

many more symbols and elements are now supported, with tablature import/export in

particular extensively reworked . Support has been added for .musicxml extension


entry of tremolos, and their playback, has been rewritten along with a number of related bug fixes . See the

tremolo chapter


for more information

Slash notation:

now plays back from imported chords from Studio One’s Chord Track . Bass notes now play back as

expected . Augmentation dot in jazz font now has more room

macOS 64-bit:

Notion 6 .5 is now 64-bit only on macOS

Plus over 20 fixes and enhancements to paste action, language fixes, video, custom rule insertion, and more - see

the whole list here:

New in Notion 6.4

Further integration with PreSonus Studio One:

new integration with Studio One 4, including Chord Track and key

signature support, and new ‘send as leadsheet’ option

New in Notion 6.8 - Quick Overview