Chord names, Add chord name by typing, Add chord name by clicking in the chord library – PreSonus Notion 6 - Notation Software (Boxed) User Manual

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To help guide live musicians, a mainstay of jazz and popular sheet music is an on-going display of primary chord

changes . This is strictly for musicians reading your score: Notion does not include this information for playback .

Examples of chord names for musicians reading your score.

The text you use to name chords becomes an integral part of your file: if you transpose the score to another key, the chord

names update automatically . You have the option of showing chord names (detailed on this page) or chord diagrams .

Add Chord Name by Typing

1 . Ensure you are in Edit mode .
2 . To start the chord name feature, press Shift + C once, or:

»The word CHORD displays in your Music Cursor .

3 . Place the Music Cursor over a note or Tab mark at the beat you want

the chord to start .

4 . Click the mouse or press Enter .

» A temporary text box appears .

5 . Type the name of the chord . Spaces will be ignored . Valid entries include:



Added Tone

Bass Note

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,

plus #, b

Maj, min, m, Maj7, m7, min7, sus, sus2, aug, dim,

+, o (letter)

2, 6, 7, 9, aug9, dim9, 11, aug11, dim11, 13,

aug13, dim13

/A, /B, /C, /D, /E, /F, /G, plus #, b

6 . For diminished Enter 0 (zero), half diminished %, diamond $, triangle ^ . (These shortcuts may not work with all

fonts .)

7 . Click anywhere in the score area .

» The chord name becomes part of your score .

Add Chord Name by Clicking in the Chord Library

Alternately, you can create a chord name by clicking options on the chord library . The main advantage with this

method is you don’t have to memorize the available options: you see them all and simply “click to build .”

Chord Library (default C).

Chord Names