Edit dynamics, Add dynamics – PreSonus Notion 6 - Notation Software (Boxed) User Manual

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Once you have a dynamic mark on a score, there is quite a number of “tweaks” you can make to customize the mark . This

topic discusses how you can:


Delete a dynamic mark or a group of them .


Move any type of dynamic mark above or below a staff .


Edit where a hairpin starts and ends .


Change the level on any text-based dynamic mark . These kinds of changes will be heard during playback and .WAV

file export .


Replace a dynamic level directly .


Replace the dynamic mark by relative levels .


Play at a fractional amount louder or softer than the default level for the mark .


Play at a completely different dynamic level than what is seen on the score .

To begin, ensure you are in Edit mode .

Delete Dynamic Marks

1 . With the Pointer, click the mark (letters, hairpin, or cres ./dim . text) you want to remove .

» The symbol turns orange in color to show it is selected .

2 . Press either Delete or go to the Menu bar and select Edit > Delete .

TIP: To remove multiple dynamic marks at the same time, use Clear Special (see next) .

Delete Multiple Dynamic Marks

The previous procedure may get tedious if there are quite a number of marks you want to remove . Instead, use Clear


1 . Highlight all or any portion of the score where you want to remove the dynamics .
2 . Go to the Menu bar and select Edit > Clear Special . Alternately, right-click and select Tools > Clear Special in the

context menu .

» A Clear Special dialog box opens .

3 . Select the Dynamics checkbox .
4 . Click OK .

Move Above or Below the Staff

You have the option of moving any type of dynamic mark above or below the staff in a few clicks .

1 . With the Pointer, click the mark (letters, hairpin, or cres ./dim . text) you want to relocate .

» The symbol turns orange in color to show it is selected .
TIP: You can click-select multiple marks by holding down Shift as you click them .

2 . To open a context menu, right-click .
3 . Click either Show Above Staff or Show Below Staff . Use Show Above/Below Staff to return marks to default

locations .

» Immediately the mark moves to the new location, but stays selected . Simply click anywhere in the score area to

keep your change .

Add Dynamics