Yaskawa VS-626 MC5 User Manual

Page 289

background image


Index- 1


AC Reactor 3 - 14

acceleration 6 - 11 6 - 16

acceleration/deceleration ramp hold 7 - 33

access levels 1 - 5 4 - 6 4 - 19 6 - 2

Advanced 1 - 5 4 - 6

setting user constants 4 - 10


See automatic frequency generator

analog input characteristics gain and bias 7 - 45

analog inputs 6 - 5

adjusting gain and bias 6 - 6
switching 6 - 5

Analog Monitor Card settings 7 - 28

Analog Reference Card settings 7 - 27


See speed loop

automatic frequency regulator 7 - 5

autotuning 1 - 4 4 - 29

input voltage setting flux vector control 6 - 27
open-loop vector control 6 - 17

faults 6 - 21
setting user constants 6 - 18


Basic 1 - 5 4 - 6

setting user constants 4 - 9

bias analog inputs 6 - 6

braking resistor 3 - 17

Braking Resistor Unit 12 - 8

connecting 3 - 17

Braking Unit 12 - 8

connecting 3 - 17

parallel 3 - 18

BUS (option communications error) 9 - 7


cables length 3 - 16

CALL (serial communications call) 9 - 7

carrier frequency 7 - 24

CE (MEMOBUS communications error) 9 - 7

CF (out of control) 9 - 4

closed-loop connectors

control circuit 3 - 28
main circuit 3 - 8

common functions 7 - 17

communications error (CE) 9 - 7

connection diagrams 3 - 4 3 - 12

constants write enable 7 - 36

contact outputs 12 - 14

control fault (CF) 9 - 4

control inputs 6 - 9

responsiveness 6 - 9

control method affects on factory settings 8 - 35

control methods 4 - 20 6 - 3

CPF 9 - 4

cumulative operating time 7 - 63


DC injection braking command 7 - 40

DC injection braking function 7 - 18

DDS/SI-B external error detected 9 - 7

deceleration 6 - 11 6 - 16

time switching frequency 6 - 11
times 6 - 16

DEV (speed deviation) 9 - 4 9 - 7

Digital Operator 1 - 5 1 - 8 5 - 9

attaching 2 - 9

Digital Output Card 7 - 29

Digital Reference Card settings 7 - 28

dimensions 2 - 4

display status 5 - 4


E-15 (Si-F/G communications error) 9 - 7

EF (external fault) 9 - 4 9 - 6 9 - 7

EF0 (option external fault) 9 - 7

EF0 9 - 4

electromagnetic switch 3 - 15

emergency stop 6 - 10 6 - 16

time setting 6 - 10
time switching frequency 6 - 11
times 6 - 16

enclosed, wall-mounted type 2 - 3

installation conditions 2 - 6

ERR (EEPROM read/write error) 9 - 8

errors operation 9 - 8

excessive speed deviation 9 - 4 9 - 7