Yaskawa MotionWorks IEC Hardware User Manual
Page 70

MotionWorks IEC Hardware Configuration – 2013-03-26
Step 8: Open the Global Variables list. Right click on the I/O group
header to “Insert Variable.” Variables can be any data type that fits the
usage within the program. For example, a structure can be created to
match the data size of the instance as described in the documentation for
the adapter device.
NOTE: When creating user defined datatype STRUCTs, the minimum
amount of space a single data element will occupy is a BYTE, so it is not
possible to create BOOL type data in the STRUCT that will match the
memory map of the EtherNet/IP instance.
Ethernet/IP Status Variable
This variable reflects the connection status. It can be used in the IEC
application program to determine if the connection to the remote device
is active and the data is valid. The status WORD can be compared to
16#1000, which means that the connection is good. If bits 0 or 1 are on,
the connection is not active, and the controller is attempting to reconnect
to the remote device.
This status variable is only available when the MPiec controller is the
client or master of a remote device.
NOTE: If the status variable has a value of zero as observed in the Global
Variables list, the controller may not be running the IEC application