Gateway ip addresses, Karrera default ip addresses on isolated network, Connecting to an existing network – Grass Valley Karrera Video Production Center Installation v.4.1 User Manual

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KARRERA — Installation & Service Manual

Section 5 — Basic Configuration

node address. The Subnet mask defines the dividing line between the two.
The first three octets of Subnet mask provide the network address; the
fourth is the node address. Nodes with the same network address can com-
municate directly with each other, while nodes with different network
addresses normally do not communicate directly.

The Karrera system uses Ethernet switches built into the Video Processor
Frame. The switch provides isolation between port pairs, providing deter-
ministic communication for panel and frame messaging, and also allows
Control Panel and Menu Panel communication for DPOPs. All nodes must
also have the same network address and be given a different node address.

Gateway IP Addresses

A gateway IP address can be entered to allow communication with devices
not located on the local Karrera system network. Communication outside
the local network requires using a configured network gateway server, a
description of which is beyond the scope of this document. See your
network administrator for information about gateway server installation
and configuration.

Karrera Default IP Addresses On Isolated Network

Each Karrera system is shipped with default IP addresses (see Factory
Default Network Settings

on page 65

). Grass Valley has chosen these default

IP addresses to make Karrera configuration easy. Karrera devices should
communicate with each other right out of the box when properly connected
on an isolated network.

Connecting to an Existing Network

Additional network configuration is required if you connect the Karrera
Ethernet LAN to your facility Ethernet backbone, install additional Karrera
system components, or have multiple Karrera systems on the same
network cabling. For example, if more than one Karrera system resides on
the same network, the IP address of each additional Karrera device must be
changed before it is connected to the network.

To enable communication between Karrera and other facility devices, you
will need to change the Karrera system default network addresses to match
the facility address, or place a router between Karrera and the facility net-
works. This complexity of network configuration is beyond the scope of
this manual. Consult a networking expert if such networking is desired.

See your network System Administrator before connecting the Karrera
system to an existing network or making any IP address changes. The IP