About tally systems – Grass Valley Karrera Video Production Center Installation v.4.1 User Manual
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KARRERA — Installation & Service Manual
Engineering Setups
Tally Contribution is an alternative electronic tally mechanism that can be
assigned to a Karrera Video Processor Frame serial port. Refer to the sepa-
rate Grass Valley Switcher Protocols Manual for technical information.
About Tally Systems
In general, a tally system identifies which sources to the switcher contribute
to the final picture at a selected point in the video chain. The identification
is communicated by activating relays in the Video Processor Frame. The
method by which the sources are determined is called the tally calculation.
The tally calculation begins at a point in the video path and then traces the
path of the signals upstream to their original video (and key) sources. The
state of the switcher affects tally. For example, tally on a true clean feed only
includes sources that contribute to the main output, but tally on a program-
mable clean feed can include sources that do not contribute to the main
When configuring a tally calculation, the user chooses the starting video
path point (called a tributary) to trace back to its origin. The main On Air
tally video output point is Pgm-Pst PGM A, but Pgm-Pst PGM B, Pgm-Pst
C, and Pgm-Pst D are included in case these alternate programmable clean
feed outputs have keys (or utility buses) that don't contribute to the PGM
A output.
The On Air tally calculations are essential for switcher operation. (One cal-
culator is reserved for On Air.) This tally calculation forms the basis for On
Air indication (panel, camera tally lights, etc.), and other functions such as
external device Auto Start, Off Air Advance, or router protections. On Air
tally calculations normally start at the Pgm-Pst PGM A-D outputs.
User tally calculations can be used for purposes other than On Air tally.
These tally calculations still trace the video path up stream from the speci-
fied points in the video path, but the starting point does not necessarily
have to be a program output. For example, a Look Ahead tally begins at the
Pgm-Pst Look Ahead Preview (LAP). When a transition is not in progress
this virtual output is not on air.
The Output tally calculator indicates which sources contribute to desig-
nated outputs. For example, an ME Iso tally is a user configured Output
tally set up to begin at an ME’s PGM A, B, C and D. The tally would indicate
what contributes to the ME's program outputs but not anything down
stream of it. The tally would be the same whether or not the ME was On Air.
The Look Ahead tally calculator indicates which sources will be on air if a
main transition is performed on the selected level. One way this can be
used is for a second set of tally lamps on a camera to alert the camera oper-
ator that his camera is next to be taken on air. Many control room monitor
walls also include a secondary tally indicator for Look Ahead. Look Ahead
tributaries do not necessarily leave the switcher as video signals. For
example, an ME has four program outputs but only two physical preview