Matchdef and setdef format conversion, Reference input, Karrera system video timing and delay – Grass Valley Karrera Video Production Center Installation v.4.1 User Manual
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KARRERA — Installation & Service Manual
Section 4 — System Cabling
MatchDef and SetDef Format Conversion
The four highest numbered input connectors associated with each installed
ME board can be used with the optional MatchDef format conversion
feature (inputs 21-24, 45-48, 69-72, 93-96). The two highest numbered
output connectors associated with each installed ME board can be used
with the optional SetDef format conversion feature (outputs 11-12, 23-24,
35-36, 47-48). 525, 625, 1080i and 720p line rate signal format conversion is
Reference Input
The Karrera Video Processor Frame has two separate, looping reference
input pairs. The upper pair accepts analog 525 or 625 composite video.
Burst is not required, but typically facility reference color black is used.
Karrera can auto-sense whether the reference is 525 or 625 and can change
the internal standard accordingly. The lower looping reference input pair is
for HD production and uses analog tri-level sync.
75-ohm termination of one of each of these looping inputs is required,
either directly on the adjacent connector or at the end of a daisy chain
looping to other equipment. Any one of the SDI inputs can also be used
temporarily as reference in the respective standard.
CAUTION Karrera HD operation requires tri-level sync. Using an HD SDI source for sync
purposes is not recommended, except for temporary troubleshooting.
Karrera System Video Timing and Delay
The total delay of a video input to the switcher output can vary according
to the relationship of the input to the switcher reference. The switcher will
automatically autotime inputs that fall within an autotiming window.
Inputs must be within this range to be properly timed at the output. The
calculation of the actual video delay of a specific input is the Nominal
Switcher Delay minus the input time location within the autotiming
window (the time location value can be zero, positive, or negative). A
timing diagram of the input autotiming window and various switcher
delay values is provided in