Grass Valley Karrera Video Production Center Installation v.4.1 User Manual
Page 259

KARRERA — Installation & Service Manual
During the diagnostic data capture the Karrera system may remain functional,
but system operation is not recommended at this time. Leave the Software
Diagnostic Menu displayed and monitor the file save process shown at the
top of the menu to allow optimum information collection.
Touch the
Capture Software Diagnostic Data
button located on the Status
Menu (accessed via
Eng Setup
). A file browser window will open
Figure 212. Software Diagnostics Data Capture Menu
After selecting the destination for the files in the left pane, press the
button to initiates the file copy process. A SW Diag Data directory will
be created (or overwritten if on already exists) containing Karrera
system data. The time required to transfer the files varies depending on
the amount of data being saved, and may take several minutes.
After the files have been copied, the entire contents of the directory
should be compressed into a .zip archive. Grass Valley Customer
Support can provide instructions on how to send this information to the
Karrera engineering team for analysis.