H3C Technologies H3C S5120 Series Switches User Manual

Page 638

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Configure the user privilege level under a user interface

If the user interface authentication mode is scheme when a user logs in, and SSH publickey

authentication type (only username is needed for this authentication type) is adopted, then the user

privilege level is the user interface level; if a user logs in using the none or password mode (namely, no

username is needed), the user privilege level is the user interface level.

Follow these steps to configure the user privilege level under a user interface (SSH publickey

authentication type):

To do…

Use the command…


Configure the authentication
type for SSH users as

For the details, refer to SSH2.0

Required if users adopt the
SSH login mode, and only
username, instead of password
is needed at authentication.

After the configuration, the
authentication mode of the
corresponding user interface
must be set to scheme.

Enter system view


Enter user interface view

user-interface { first-num1
[ last-num1 ] | vty first-num2
[ last-num2 ] }

Configure the authentication
mode when a user uses the
current user interface to log in
to the device

authentication-mode scheme
[ command-authorization ]


By default, the authentication
mode for VTY user interfaces is
, and AUX user
interfaces do not need

Configure the privilege level of
the user logging in from the
current user interface

user privilege level level


By default, the user privilege
level for users logging in from
the console user interface is 3,
and that for users logging from
the other user interfaces is 0.

Follow these steps to configure the user privilege level under a user interface (none or password

authentication mode):

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Enter user interface view

user-interface { first-num1
[ last-num1 ] | { aux | vty }
first-num2 [ last-num2 ] }

Configure the authentication
mode when a user uses the
current user interface to log in
to the device

authentication-mode { none |
password }


By default, the authentication
mode for VTY user interfaces is
, and AUX user
interfaces do not need

Configure the privilege level of
the user logging in from the
current user interface

user privilege level level


By default, the user privilege
level for users logging in from