H3C Technologies H3C S5120 Series Switches User Manual
H3C Technologies Routers
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Cover
- Preface
- 01-CLI Configuration
- 1 CLI Configuration
- What Is CLI?
- Entering the CLI
- H3C Products CLI Descriptions
- Tips on Using the CLI
- 1 CLI Configuration
- 02-Login Configuration
- 1 Logging In to an Ethernet Switch
- 2 Logging In Through the Console Port
- 3 Logging In Through Telnet/SSH
- 4 Logging in Through Web-based Network Management System
- 5 Logging In Through NMS
- 6 Specifying Source for Telnet Packets
- 7 Controlling Login Users
- 03-Ethernet Port Configuration
- 1 Ethernet Port Configuration
- Basic Ethernet Port Configuration
- Configuring an Auto-negotiation Transmission Rate
- Configuring Flow Control on an Ethernet Port
- Perfoming Loopback Testing on an Ethernet Port
- Enabling Auto Power Down on an Ethernet Port
- Configuring a Port Group
- Configuring Traffic Storm Protection
- Setting the Interval for Collecting Ethernet Port Statistics
- Enabling Forwarding of Jumbo Frames
- Enabling Loopback Detection on an Ethernet Port
- Configuring the MDI Mode for an Ethernet Port
- Enabling Bridging on an Ethernet Port
- Testing the Cable on an Ethernet Port
- Displaying and Maintaining an Ethernet Port
- 1 Ethernet Port Configuration
- 04-Loopback Interface and Null Interface Configuration
- 05-Ethernet Link Aggregation Configuration
- 1 Ethernet Link Aggregation Configuration
- Overview
- Ethernet Link Aggregation Configuration Task List
- Configuring an Aggregation Group
- Configuring an Aggregate Interface
- Displaying and Maintaining Ethernet Link Aggregation
- Ethernet Link Aggregation Configuration Examples
- 1 Ethernet Link Aggregation Configuration
- 06-Port Isolation Configuration
- 07-Port Mirroring Configuration
- 08-LLDP Configuration
- 09-VLAN Configuration
- 1 VLAN Configuration
- 2 Voice VLAN Configuration
- 10-MSTP Configuration
- 1 MSTP Configuration
- Overview
- Introduction to STP
- Introduction to RSTP
- Introduction to MSTP
- MSTP Configuration Task List
- Configuring MSTP
- Configuring an MST Region
- Configuring the Root Bridge or a Secondary Root Bridge
- Configuring the Work Mode of an MSTP Device
- Configuring the Priority of a Device
- Configuring the Maximum Hops of an MST Region
- Configuring the Network Diameter of a Switched Network
- Configuring Timers of MSTP
- Configuring the Timeout Factor
- Configuring the Maximum Port Rate
- Configuring Ports as Edge Ports
- Configuring Path Costs of Ports
- Configuring Port Priority
- Configuring the Link Type of Ports
- Configuring the Mode a Port Uses to Recognize/Send MSTP Packets
- Enabling the Output of Port State Transition Information
- Enabling the MSTP Feature
- Performing mCheck
- Configuring the VLAN Ignore Feature
- Displaying and Maintaining MSTP
- MSTP Configuration Example
- 1 MSTP Configuration
- 11-IP Addressing Configuration
- 12-IP Performance Optimization Configuration
- 13-ARP Configuration
- 1 ARP Configuration
- 2 ARP Attack Defense Configuration
- Configuring ARP Active Acknowledgement
- Configuring Source MAC Address Based ARP Attack Detection
- Configuring ARP Packet Rate Limit
- Configuring ARP Detection
- Configuring Periodic Sending of Gratuitous ARP Packets
- 14-DHCP Configuration
- 1 DHCP Relay Agent Configuration
- Introduction to DHCP Relay Agent
- DHCP Relay Agent Configuration Task List
- Configuring the DHCP Relay Agent
- Displaying and Maintaining DHCP Relay Agent Configuration
- DHCP Relay Agent Configuration Examples
- Troubleshooting DHCP Relay Agent Configuration
- 2 DHCP Client Configuration
- 3 DHCP Snooping Configuration
- 4 BOOTP Client Configuration
- 1 DHCP Relay Agent Configuration
- 15-FTP and TFTP Configuration
- 1 FTP Configuration
- FTP Overview
- Configuring the FTP Client
- Configuring the FTP Server
- Displaying and Maintaining FTP
- 2 TFTP Configuration
- 1 FTP Configuration
- 16-IP Routing Basics Configuration
- 17-Static Routing Configuration
- 18-Mulitcast Configuration
- 1 Multicast Overview
- 2 IGMP Snooping Configuration
- IGMP Snooping Overview
- IGMP Snooping Configuration Task List
- Configuring Basic Functions of IGMP Snooping
- Configuring IGMP Snooping Port Functions
- Configuring IGMP Snooping Querier
- Configuring IGMP Snooping Proxying
- Configuring an IGMP Snooping Policy
- Configuration Prerequisites
- Configuring a Multicast Group Filter
- Configuring the Function of Dropping Unknown Multicast Data
- Configuring IGMP Report Suppression
- Configuring Maximum Multicast Groups that Can Be Joined on a Port
- Configuring Multicast Group Replacement
- Configuring 802.1p Precedence for IGMP Messages
- Displaying and Maintaining IGMP Snooping
- IGMP Snooping Configuration Examples
- Troubleshooting IGMP Snooping Configuration
- 3 Multicast VLAN Configuration
- 19-QoS Configuration
- 1 QoS Overview
- 2 QoS Policy Configuration
- 3 Priority Mapping Configuration
- 4 Line Rate Configuration
- 5 Congestion Management Configuration
- 6 Traffic Filtering Configuration
- 7 Traffic Redirecting Configuration
- 8 Appendix
- 20-802.1X Configuration
- 1 802.1X Configuration
- 802.1X Overview
- 802.1X Configuration Task List
- 802.1X Basic Configuration
- Enabling the Online User Handshake Function
- Enabling the Multicast Trigger Function
- Specifying a Mandatory Authentication Domain for a Port
- Enabling the Quiet Timer
- Enabling the Re-Authentication Function
- Configuring a Guest VLAN
- Configuring an Auth-Fail VLAN
- Displaying and Maintaining 802.1X
- 802.1X Configuration Example
- Guest VLAN and VLAN Assignment Configuration Example
- ACL Assignment Configuration Example
- 1 802.1X Configuration
- 21-AAA Configuration
- 1 AAA Configuration
- Introduction to AAA
- Introduction to RADIUS
- Protocols and Standards
- AAA Configuration Task List
- Configuring AAA
- Configuration Prerequisites
- Creating an ISP Domain
- Configuring ISP Domain Attributes
- Configuring AAA Authentication Methods for an ISP Domain
- Configuring AAA Authorization Methods for an ISP Domain
- Configuring AAA Accounting Methods for an ISP Domain
- Configuring Local User Attributes
- Configuring User Group Attributes
- Tearing down User Connections Forcibly
- Configuring a NAS ID-VLAN Binding
- Displaying and Maintaining AAA
- Configuring RADIUS
- Creating a RADIUS Scheme
- Specifying the RADIUS Authentication/Authorization Servers
- Specifying the RADIUS Accounting Servers and Relevant Parameters
- Setting the Shared Key for RADIUS Packets
- Setting the Upper Limit of RADIUS Request Retransmission Attempts
- Setting the Supported RADIUS Server Type
- Setting the Status of RADIUS Servers
- Configuring Attributes Related to Data to Be Sent to the RADIUS Server
- Enabling the RADIUS Trap Function
- Specifying the Source IP Address for RADIUS Packets to Be Sent
- Setting Timers Regarding RADIUS Servers
- Configuring RADIUS Accounting-On
- Enabling the Listening Port of the RADIUS Client
- Displaying and Maintaining RADIUS
- AAA Configuration Examples
- Troubleshooting AAA
- 1 AAA Configuration
- 22-PKI Configuration
- 1 PKI Configuration
- Introduction to PKI
- PKI Configuration Task List
- Configuring an Entity DN
- Configuring a PKI Domain
- Submitting a PKI Certificate Request
- Retrieving a Certificate Manually
- Configuring PKI Certificate Verification
- Destroying a Local RSA Key Pair
- Deleting a Certificate
- Configuring an Access Control Policy
- Displaying and Maintaining PKI
- PKI Configuration Examples
- Troubleshooting PKI
- 1 PKI Configuration
- 23-SSL Configuration
- 24-SSH2.0 Configuration
- 1 SSH2.0 Configuration
- SSH2.0 Overview
- Configuring the Device as an SSH Server
- Configuring the Device as an SSH Client
- Displaying and Maintaining SSH
- SSH Server Configuration Examples
- SSH Client Configuration Examples
- 2 SFTP Service
- 1 SSH2.0 Configuration
- 25-Public Key Configuration
- 26-HABP Configuration
- 27-ACL Configuration
- 28-Device Management Configuration
- 1 Device Management
- Device Management Overview
- Device Management Configuration Task List
- Configuring the Exception Handling Method
- Rebooting a Device
- Configuring the Scheduled Automatic Execution Function
- Upgrading Device Software
- Clearing the 16-bit Interface Indexes Not Used in the Current System
- Identifying and Diagnosing Pluggable Transceivers
- Displaying and Maintaining Device Management Configuration
- Device Management Configuration Examples
- 1 Device Management
- 29-NTP Configuration
- 1 NTP Configuration
- NTP Overview
- NTP Configuration Task List
- Configuring the Operation Modes of NTP
- Configuring Optional Parameters of NTP
- Configuring Access-Control Rights
- Configuring NTP Authentication
- Displaying and Maintaining NTP
- NTP Configuration Examples
- 1 NTP Configuration
- 30-SNMP Configuration
- 31-RMON Configuration
- 32-File System Management Configuration
- 1 File System Management
- 2 Configuration File Management
- Configuration File Overview
- Saving the Current Configuration
- Setting Configuration Rollback
- Specifying a Startup Configuration File for the Next System Startup
- Backing Up the Startup Configuration File
- Deleting the Startup Configuration File for the Next Startup
- Restoring the Startup Configuration File
- Displaying and Maintaining Device Configuration
- 33-System Maintaining and Debugging Configuration
- 34-Basic System Configuration
- 1 Basic Configurations
- Configuration Display
- Configuring the Device Name
- Configuring the System Clock
- Enabling/Disabling the Display of Copyright Information
- Configuring a Banner
- Configuring CLI Hotkeys
- Configuring User Privilege Levels and Command Levels
- Displaying and Maintaining Basic Configurations
- 1 Basic Configurations
- 35-Information Center Configuration
- 1 Information Center Configuration
- Information Center Overview
- Configuring Information Center
- Information Center Configuration Task List
- Outputting System Information to the Console
- Outputting System Information to a Monitor Terminal
- Outputting System Information to a Log Host
- Outputting System Information to the Trap Buffer
- Outputting System Information to the Log Buffer
- Outputting System Information to the SNMP Module
- Outputting System Information to the Web Interface
- Saving System Information to a Log File
- Configuring Synchronous Information Output
- Disabling a Port from Generating Link Up/Down Logging Information
- Displaying and Maintaining Information Center
- Information Center Configuration Examples
- 1 Information Center Configuration
- 36-MAC Address Table Configuration
- 37-Cluster Management Configuration
- 1 Cluster Management Configuration
- Cluster Management Overview
- Cluster Configuration Task List
- Configuring the Management Device
- Enabling NDP Globally and for Specific Ports
- Configuring NDP Parameters
- Enabling NTDP Globally and for Specific Ports
- Configuring NTDP Parameters
- Manually Collecting Topology Information
- Enabling the Cluster Function
- Establishing a Cluster
- Enabling Management VLAN Auto-Negotiation
- Configuring Communication Between the Management Device and the Member Devices Within a Cluster
- Configuring Cluster Management Protocol Packets
- Cluster Member Management
- Configuring the Member Devices
- Configuring Access Between the Management Device and Its Member Devices
- Adding a Candidate Device to a Cluster
- Configuring Advanced Cluster Functions
- Displaying and Maintaining Cluster Management
- Cluster Management Configuration Example
- 1 Cluster Management Configuration
- 38-HTTP Configuration
- 1 HTTP Configuration
- 2 HTTPS Configuration
- HTTPS Overview
- HTTPS Configuration Task List
- Associating the HTTPS Service with an SSL Server Policy
- Enabling the HTTPS Service
- Associating the HTTPS Service with a Certificate Attribute Access Control Policy
- Configuring the Port Number of the HTTPS Service
- Associating the HTTPS Service with an ACL
- Displaying and Maintaining HTTPS
- HTTPS Configuration Example
- 39-Stack Management Configuration
- 40-PoE Configuration
- 1 PoE Configuration
- PoE Overview
- PoE Configuration Task List
- Enabling PoE
- Detecting PDs
- Configuring the PoE Power
- Configuring PoE Power Management
- Configuring the PoE Monitoring Function
- Configuring PoE Interface through PoE Profile
- Upgrading PSE Processing Software in Service
- Displaying and Maintaining PoE
- PoE Configuration Example
- Troubleshooting PoE
- 1 PoE Configuration
- 41-IP Source Guard Configuration
- 42-Appendix