Ssl protocol stack, Figure – H3C Technologies H3C S5120 Series Switches User Manual

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Figure 1-1 Message integrity verification by a MAC algorithm


For details about symmetric key algorithms, asymmetric key algorithm RSA and digital signature, see

Public Key Configuration.


For details about PKI, certificate, and CA, see PKI Configuration.

SSL Protocol Stack

As shown in

Figure 1-2

, the SSL protocol consists of two layers of protocols: the SSL record protocol at

the lower layer and the SSL handshake protocol, change cipher spec protocol, and alert protocol at the

upper layer.

Figure 1-2 SSL protocol stack


SSL record protocol: Fragments data to be transmitted, computes and adds MAC to the data, and

encrypts the data before transmitting it to the peer end.


SSL handshake protocol: A very important part of the SSL protocol stack, responsible for

negotiating the cipher suite to be used for secure communication (including the symmetric

encryption algorithm, key exchange algorithm, and MAC algorithm), securely exchanging the key

between the server and client, and implementing identity authentication of the server and client.

Through the SSL handshake protocol, a session is established between a client and the server. A

session consists of a set of parameters, including the session ID, peer certificate, cipher suite, and

master secret.


SSL change cipher spec protocol: Used for notification between the client and the server that the

subsequent packets are to be protected and transmitted based on the newly negotiated cipher

suite and key.


SSL alert protocol: Enables the SSL client and server to send alert messages to each other. An

alert message contains the alert severity level and a description.