Configuration procedure – H3C Technologies H3C S5120 Series Switches User Manual

Page 573

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Configuration procedure

1) Configure IP addresses for interfaces (omitted)

2) Configuration on Device B:


# Enable NTP authentication on Device B.

[DeviceB] ntp-service authentication enable

# Set an authentication key.

[DeviceB] ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 aNiceKey

# Specify the key as a trusted key.

[DeviceB] ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42

# Specify Device A as the NTP server.

[DeviceB] ntp-service unicast-server authentication-keyid 42

Before Device B can synchronize its clock to that of Device A, you need to enable NTP authentication

for Device A.

Perform the following configuration on Device A:

# Enable NTP authentication.

[DeviceA] ntp-service authentication enable

# Set an authentication key.

[DeviceA] ntp-service authentication-keyid 42 authentication-mode md5 aNiceKey

# Specify the key as a trusted key.

[DeviceA] ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 42

# View the NTP status of Device B after clock synchronization.

[DeviceB] display ntp-service status

Clock status: synchronized

Clock stratum: 3

Reference clock ID:

Nominal frequency: 100.0000 Hz

Actual frequency: 100.0000 Hz

Clock precision: 2^18

Clock offset: 0.0000 ms

Root delay: 31.00 ms

Root dispersion: 1.05 ms

Peer dispersion: 7.81 ms

Reference time: 14:53:27.371 UTC Sep 19 2005 (C6D94F67.5EF9DB22)

As shown above, Device B has been synchronized to Device A, and the clock stratum level of Device B

is 3, while that of Device A is 2.

# View the NTP session information of Device B, which shows that an association has been set up

Device B and Device A.

[DeviceB] display ntp-service sessions

source reference stra reach poll now offset delay disper


[12345] 2 63 64 3 -75.5 31.0 16.5