Configuring the as-path attributes, Tuning and optimizing mbgp networks, Prerequisites – H3C Technologies H3C S10500 Series Switches User Manual

Page 260: Configuring mbgp soft reset, Performing soft reset through route refresh, Tuning and optimizing mbgp, Networks

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Configuring the AS-PATH attributes

In general, MBGP checks whether the AS-PATH attribute of a route from a peer contains the local AS

number. If it does, it discards the route to avoid routing loops.
Follow these steps to configure the AS-PATH attributes:

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Enter BGP view

bgp as-number

Enter IPv4 MBGP address family

ipv4-family multicast

Allow the local AS number to
appear in the AS-PATH of routes

from a peer or a peer group and

specify the number of times that the
local AS number can appear in the

AS-PATH of routes from the peer or

the peer group

peer { group-name | ip-address }
allow-as-loop [ number ]

By default, the local AS number
can not appear in routes from a

peer or a peer group.

Disable BGP from considering the
AS_PATH during best route


bestroute as-path-neglect

By default, BGP considers
AS_PATH during best route


Configure updates to a peer or a
peer group not to keep private AS


peer { group-name | ip-address }

By default, BGP updates carry
private AS numbers.

Tuning and optimizing MBGP networks

This task involves resetting MBGP connections and configuring load balancing.


You need to configure BGP basic functions before configuring this task.

Configuring MBGP soft reset

After modifying a route selection policy, you have to reset MBGP connections to make it take effect.
The current MBGP implementation supports the route refresh feature that enables dynamic route refresh

without terminating MBGP connections.
However, if a peer that does not support route refresh exists in the network, you must configure the peer
keep-all-routes command to save all routes from the peer. When the routing policy is changed, the

system updates the MBGP routing table and applies the new policy.

Performing soft reset through route refresh

If the peer is enabled with route refresh, when the MBGP route selection policy is modified on a router,

the router advertises a route-refresh message to its MBGP peers, which resend their routing information