Wbk30 – frequently asked questions – Measurement Computing WBK Options User Manual
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WBK30, Memory Options
WBK30, pg. 5
WBK30 – Frequently Asked Questions
Question: How does the addition of the WBK30 memory module affect the operation of a
Answer: The WBK30 memory option plugs into the WaveBook and expands the standard 64K of FIFO
memory up to 128 megabytes of RAM. By increasing the FIFO size, a user can sample at higher
speeds for a longer period of time before encountering a buffer overflow due to limitations in
computer resources such as parallel port speed, memory allocation, hard disk size, or processor
speed. Otherwise, the operation of the WaveBook is unaffected.
Question: Do I need to upgrade my WaveBook before installing a WBK30 memory option?
Answer: It depends. WaveBooks shipped before June 1998 do require a hardware upgrade before a
WBK30 can be installed. Any unit shipped after the June 1988 date is WBK30-ready.
WaveBooks with the following serial numbers will need an upgrade before a WBK30 can be
properly installed: 148010 and under, and 148253, 149322, 150411, 150412, 150413, 150415,
150418, 151597, 153335
Question: Is there any down side to the upgrade for the WBK30 install?
Once the unit has been upgraded it can not be returned to using the internal 64K FIFO; i.e., a
WBK30 card must remain in the unit. Note that this is not true for units that did not need an
upgrade. In the later case, the user can remove the WBK30 and revert back to the internal FIFO.
Question: Do either the16-bit driver or the 16-bit versions of WaveView support the WBK30
memory option?
Answer: No. The WBK30 is not available through the 16 bit driver or the 16 bit version of WaveView.
The 32-bit driver, version 2.4 or high supports the WBK30, along with WaveView versions 7.2
and higher. Like other enhancements, the latest WaveView version is available from our web
Question: What is the WBK30's impact on existing software?
Answer: For many applications, adding a WBK30 to the system will not require any changes to existing
software. The WBK30 is essentially a deeper FIFO. When it is added to a WaveBook, the
software will function identically to the standard FIFO, except that the time to buffer overflow
will be greater. Refer to program examples if detailed information is needed.