Hypertherm THC ArcGlide User Manual
Page 184

ArcGlide THC Instruction Manual 806450
4 – Maintenance
The laser pointer is not illuminated.
The station is not enabled or the laser is damaged and needs to be replaced.
Torch moves before workpiece is pierced all the way through.
Increase the value of Pierce Delay or Pierce Time.
Torch dives below cutting height immediately after pierce delay and before AVC begins.
Increase Set Cut Height on Automatic Operating Screen and decrease Pierce Height Factor.
Increase Machine Accel Delay.
Torch dives toward workpiece immediately after AVC begins.
Increase Set Arc Volts.
Increase Machine Accel Delay.
Decrease Set Cut Height.
Examine the torch consumables, and replace them if necessary.
Torch retracts from workpiece immediately after AVC begins.
Decrease Set Arc Volts.
Increase Set Cut Height.
Examine plasma interface arc voltage wiring.
Examine the torch consumables, and replace them if necessary.
Retract begins before arc has extinguished.
Increase Retract Delay.
Failure to retract.
Decrease the THC Homing Speed.
Look for obstructions in the torch path and torch lead set.
For True Hole applications, verify that these HPRXD features are installed:
HPRXD control board and code
HPRXD torch
New torch leads
Ohmic contact wire with correct routing.