Off-line tests—turbine spinning – Basler Electric DECS-400 User Manual
Page 154

9369700990 Rev R
Recommended settings for var/power factor.
Set Ki at 10 ............................................................................................................................ ________
Set Kg at 1 ............................................................................................................................. ________
Recommended settings for SCL.
Set Ki at 10. ........................................................................................................................... ________
Set Kg at 1 ............................................................................................................................. ________
PID Settings
While viewing the BESTCOMS Gain Setting screen, click the PID Calculator button to view the PID
Calculator screen (Figure 102). Use the PID Calculator screen to select the proper PID values based
upon the generator time constant, T’do, and exciter time constant Te. Refer to the BESTCOMS Software
chapter for more information about PID settings.
Verify transfer indications from the front panel HMI, BESTCOMS, and remote
indicators. .............................................................................................................................. ________
Figure 102. BESTCOMS PID Screen
Off-Line Tests—Turbine Spinning
For the off-line tests with the turbine spinning, the generator circuit breaker is open.
Field flashing current is used in the following steps. Even though the
turbine is not moving, serious injury could result from high, stator-
induced voltage. Verify that all personnel are clear of the machine
before performing the following steps. To ensure safety, the field
flashing fuses may be removed and only the unit start/stop capabilities
FCR Mode
Initial testing should begin in the Manual (FCR) mode with minimum generated voltage.
Place the DECS-400 in FCR mode. ...................................................................................... ________
Place the Start/Stop switch in the Start position. ................................................................... ________