Basler Electric DECS-400 User Manual

Page 124

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9369700990 Rev R

Clear. Clicking this button clears the data points displayed in the graphs.

Time in Graph. This setting selects the total time that data points are accumulated on the graph. When a
different time setting is selected, the x-axis grid numbers automatically adjust to maintain 16.667
milliseconds between points. A time setting of 200 ms, 516 ms, 1.03 s, 2.08 s, 4.16 s, 8.33 s, 16.67 s, or
33.33 s may be selected.

Scroll Graph. Clicking this button displays the X Axis Start Point setting box which displays the
permissible range for the x-axis start point and accepts a number representing a starting point for scrolling
across the x-axis.

Maximize/Restore. This button expands the Analysis screen to a full-screen size and restores the
Analysis screen to its normal, default size.

Exit. Clicking this button exits the Analysis screen and returns to the last-viewed screen.

Graph Settings

Parameter. This setting selects the parameter to be displayed on the graph. Any one of the following
parameters may be selected:

Aux voltage input (Vaux)

Average line current (Iavg)

Average line-to-line voltage (Vavg)

AVR error signal (Errln)

Bus frequency (BHz)

Bus voltage (Vbus)

Compensated frequency deviation (CompF)

Control output (CntOp)

Cross-current input (Iaux)

Field current (Ifd)

Field voltage (Vfd)

Field temperature

Filtered mechanical power (MechP)

Final PSS output (Pout)

Freq response signal (Test)

Generator frequency (GHz)

Ia phase angle (PhA)

Iaux phase angle (PhAux)

Ib phase angle (PhB)

Ic phase angle (PhC)

Internal state (TrnOp)

Lead-lag #1 (x15)

Lead-lag #2 (x16)

Lead-lag #3 (x17)

Lead-lag #4 (x31)

Mechanical power (x7)

Mechanical power LP #1 (x8)

Mechanical power LP #2 (x9)

Mechanical power LP #3 (x10)

Mechanical power LP #4 (x11)

Negative sequence current (I2)

Negative sequence voltage (V2)

Null balance (%)

OEL controller output (OelOutput)

PF mode output (VPfOp)

Phase A current (Ia)

Phase A to B, line-to-line voltage (Vab)

Phase B current (Ib)

Phase B to C, line-to-line voltage (Vbc)

Phase C current (Ic)

Phase C to A, line-to-line voltage (Vca)

Position indication (%)

Positive sequence current (I1)

Positive sequence voltage (V1)

Post-limit output (Post)

Power factor (PF)

Power HP #1 (x5)

Pre-limit output (Prelm)

PSS electrical power (Pss/kW)

PSS term voltage (Vtmag)

Rate of frequency change

Reactive power (kvar)

Real power (kW)

SCL controller output (SelOutput)

Speed HP #1 (x2)

Synthesized speed (Synth)

Terminal frequency deviation (TermF)

Time response signal (PTest)

Torsional filter #1 (Tflt1)

Torsional filter #2 (x29)

Total power (kVA)

UEL controller output (UelOutput)

Vab phase angle (PhAB)

VARL controller output (PU)

Vbc phase angle (PhBC)

Washed out power (WashP)

Washed out speed (WashW)

Y-Axis Max. This setting selects the maximum value of the y axis.

Y-Axis Min. This setting selects the minimum value of the y axis.

Filter (Hertz). This setting selects the cutoff filter frequency for the parameter to be graphed.

BESTCOMS™ Software
