Basler Electric DECS-400 User Manual
Page 109

9369700990 Rev R
Low-Pass/Ramp Tracking – Tr-Time Const. This setting field configures the ramp tracking filter time
constant. The time constant has a setting range of 0.05 to 1.00 with increments of 0.01.
Low-Pass/Ramp Tracking – N-Num Exp. This setting field establishes the mechanical power filter
numerator exponent and can be set at a value of 0 or 1.
Low-Pass/Ramp Tracking – M-Den Exp. This setting field establishes the mechanical power filter
denominator exponent. A denominator exponent of 0 to 5 may be entered in increments of 1.
High-Pass Filtering/Integration – Tw1, Tw2, Tw3, Tw4-Time Const. These setting fields configure the
three high-pass filtering time constants (T
, T
, T
, and T
). Each time constant can be set over the
range of 1 to 20.00 seconds in 0.01 second increments.
High-Pass Filtering/Integration – H, Inertia. This setting field adjusts rotor inertia (for integration of power
signal) time constant H. The rotor inertia has a setting range of 1 to 25.00 MW-seconds/MVA with setting
increments of 0.01 MW-seconds/MVA.
Torsional Filters. These setting fields are used to set the parameters for torsional filters 1 and 2.
Zeta Num 1 and Zeta Num 2 are used to set the numerator damping ratio for torsional filters 1 and 2
respectively. Zeta Den 1 and Zeta Den 2 are used to set the denominator damping ratio for torsional
filters 1 and 2 respectively. A setting of 0 to 1.00 may be entered in increments of 0.01.
Wn 1 and Wn 2 are used to set the resonant frequency for torsional filters 1 and 2 respectively. A setting
of 10 to 150.00 may be entered in increments of 0.05.
Rotor Freq Calculation – Quadrature Xq. This per-unit setting adjusts the level of quadrature axis
compensation made by the PSS function. The quadrature reactance setting range is 0 to 5.000 with
0.0001 increments.
Power Input – Kpe. This setting field establishes the amplitude of the electrical power input used by the
PSS function. A Kpe setting of 0 to 2.00 may be entered in 0.01 increments.
Phase Comp.-Time Constants. These eight settings adjust the first, second, third, and fourth phase
compensation time constants (lead and lag). The phase compensation time constants may be set from
0.001 to 6 seconds in 0.001 second increments.
Output Limiter
The Output Limiter tab has two setting groups: Primary and Secondary. The Primary and Secondary
buttons select between the primary and secondary Power System Stabilizer settings. In the default, PSS
logic schemes provided with the DECS-400, a contact input is used to select between the primary and
secondary PSS settings. (Primary/secondary gains are automatically selected when the PSS becomes
Output Limiter tab settings are shown in Figure 66 and described in the following paragraphs.
PSS Output Limiting – Upper Limit. This per-unit setting adjusts the stabilizer output gain stage (Kg)
maximum limit. A setting of 0 to 0.500 may be entered in 0.001 increments.
PSS Output Limiting – Lower Limit. This per unit setting adjusts the stabilizer output gain stage (Kg)
minimum limit. A setting of –0.500 to 0 may be entered in 0.001 increments.
Stabilizer Gain – Ks. This setting adjusts the stabilizer gain time constant. The time constant has a setting
range of 0 to 50 with increments of 0.01.
Terminal Voltage Limiter – Time Constant. This setting adjusts the time constant for the generator
terminal voltage limiter. A time constant of 0.02 to 5 seconds may be entered in 0.01 second increments.
Terminal Voltage Limiter – Setpoint. This per-unit setting adjusts the setpoint for the generator terminal
voltage limiter. A setpoint of 0 to 10 may be entered in increments of 0.01.
Logic Limiter Washout Filter – Normal Time. This setting adjusts the normal time constant of the washout
filter. A normal time constant of 5 to 30 seconds may be entered in 0.1 second increments.
Logic Limiter Washout Filter – Limit Time. This setting adjusts the limit time constant of the washout filter.
A limit time constant of 0 to 1 second may be entered in 0.01 second increments.
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