AMETEK Compact i/iX Series User Manual

Page 85

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User Manual

Compact i/iX Series

AMETEK Programmable Power

California Instruments


Fmax is the upper frequency limit of the power source

Level is the percentage of the harmonic with respect to the fundamental expressed as a
fraction (e.g. 10% = 0.1)



is the harmonic number, e.g h


is the 11


harmonic or h


= 11.

This value Fmax


is evaluated for all the harmonic components in the downloaded waveform and the

lowest result is assigned as the computed upper fundamental frequency limit that may be used with
this specific waveform.

If Fmaxh is below the minimum frequency limit, the waveform will be rejected at down load time and
the label will be deleted from the waveform catalogue.

If the iX Series is used over t

he bus, the “:FREQ? MAX” query command can be used to determine the

maximum allowable fundamental frequency for the selected waveform. Using the returned value as
part of a program will prevent range errors.

Limits assume a program of full-scale voltage. No adjustments for voltage setting are made below the
full-scale value.

Waveform selection and frequency programming will be subject to the above limit. An error message
will be generated to reflect this type of error:

"22,Waveform harmonics limit"

Transient editing will also generate the above error during keyboard entry. Remote transient entry will
not check for the error until transient execution.

4.4.5 Switching Waveforms

Waveforms can be switched as part of the transient system. Each transient type setup menu has a
FUNC field. This field allows selection of any of the standard or custom waveforms available in
waveform memory. Refer to the section on transients for more details on using transient list to switch
output waveforms.