AMETEK Compact i/iX Series User Manual
Page 67

User Manual
Compact i/iX Series
AMETEK Programmable Power
California Instruments
the fundamental component as the denominator. This mode can only
be programmed over the bus by sending the “MEAS:THD:MODE
FUND” command. At power up or after a reset command, the mode
will revert back to RMS.
This readout reflects the highest peak current value detected at the
output. This is a track and hold peak current measurement. To
measure inrush current for a unit under test, open the output relay
and reset the peak current value using the BACK key. Then program
the output voltage and frequency and turn on the output relay. The
peak current measurement will continuously track the maximum
current value detected until reset. See also PEAK CURRENT in
This readout displays the total voltage distortion for the selected
phase. The distortion calculation is based on the H2 through H50
with the RMS voltage in the denominator. Note that some definitions
of THD use the fundamental component (H1) of the voltage as the
If desired, the user can program the power source controller to use
the fundamental component as the denominator. This mode can only
be programmed over the bus by sending the “MEAS:THD:MODE
FUND” command. At power up or after a reset command, the mode
will revert back to RMS.
Relative voltage phase angle measurement with respect to phase A.
This readout is only relevant if an external clock source is used.
Update Program Functions from Measurement Screen
The Shuttle knob can be used to update voltage and/or frequency settings while the measurement
readout screen is displayed. To do so, select the desired parameter to be change while in the SET
screen using the left arrow cursor. Then, select the measurement screen by pressing the MEAS
button. While the measurement screen is visible, the shuttle continues to operate.