Adding the external tx pll, Adding the external tx pll -13 – Altera CPRI v6.0 MegaCore Function User Manual

Page 24

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Drive the clean-up PLL with the CPRI v6.0 IP core


output clock, and connect the

cleaned up output to the external TX PLL input reference clock port.

Related Information

CPRI v6.0 IP Core Clocking Structure

on page 3-3

Adding the External TX PLL

The CPRI v6.0 IP core requires that you generate and connect an external TX PLL IP core. The

transceiver PLL IP core configures the TX PLL in the transceiver in hardware, but you must generate the

transceiver PLL IP core separately from the CPRI v6.0 IP core in software. If you do not generate and

connect the transceiver PLL IP core, the CPRI v6.0 IP core does not compile.
You can use the IP Catalog to generate the external PLL IP core that configures a TX PLL on the device. In

the IP Catalog, select an Altera IP core that configures an appropriate PLL on your target device.
In the Stratix V TX PLL parameter editor, you must set the following parameter values:
Enable PLL reconfiguration: Turn on if you turned on Enable auto-rate negotiation in the CPRI v6.0

parameter editor. Otherwise, turn off.

Number of TX PLL reference clocks: 1.

PLL feedback path: Set to internal.

PLL type: Select a type that supports the CPRI line bit rate you specified in the CPRI v6.0 parameter


PLL base data rate: Set to the CPRI line bit rate you specified in the CPRI v6.0 parameter editor.

Selected reference clock source: Set to 0.
For your Arria 10 design, you can select Arria 10 Transceiver ATX PLL, Arria 10 Transceiver CMU

PLL, or Arria 10 FPLL in the IP Catalog. In the parameter editor for the TX PLL IP core you select, you

must set the following parameter values:
PLL output frequency to one half the per-lane data rate of the IP core variation. The transceiver

performs dual edge clocking, using both the rising and falling edges of the input clock from the PLL.

Therefore, this PLL output frequency setting drives the transceiver with the correct clock for the

Interlaken lanes.

PLL reference clock frequency to a frequency at which you can drive the TX PLL input reference

clock. You must drive the external PLL reference clock input signal at the frequency you specify for

this parameter.

Arria 10 devices and the Quartus II software support multiple options for configuring an Arria 10 TX

PLL. Depending on the TX PLL IP core you select and the configuration options you prefer, you have a

wide range of choices in parameterizing the external TX PLL for an Arria 10 variation.
You must connect the external TX PLL signals and the CPRI v6.0 IP core transceiver TX PLL interface

signals according to the following rules:
• Connect the


input signal of the CPRI v6.0 IP core to the




output signal of the external PLL IP core.

• If your CPRI v6.0 IP core is an RE slave, drive the input signal of the external PLL IP core with the

output of the external cleanup PLL.



Adding the External TX PLL


Getting Started with the CPRI v6.0 IP Core

Altera Corporation

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