Dell PowerConnect M6220 User Manual
Page 538

Configuring Routing
• Advertisement Interval — Enter the time, in seconds, between the transmission of advertisement
packets by this virtual router. Enter a number between 1 and 255. The default value is 1 second.
• Interface IP Address — Indicates the IP Address associated with the selected interface.
IP Address — Enter the IP Address associated with the Virtual Router. The default is, which
you must change prior to pressing
Authentication Type — Select the type of Authentication for the Virtual Router from the drop-down
menu. The default is None. The choices are:
0-None — No authentication is performed.
1-Simple — Authentication is performed using a text password.
• Authentication Data — If you selected simple authentication, enter the password.
Status — Select active or inactive from the drop-down menu to start or stop the operation of the
Virtual Router. The default is inactive.
Creating a new Virtual Router
1. Open the Virtual Router Configuration
2. Select Create from the VRID and Interface drop-down menu.
3. Specify the VRID and the interface for the new virtual router.
4. Define the remaining fields as needed.
5. Click Apply Changes.
The new virtual router is saved, and the device is updated.
The configuration is saved, and the device is updated.
Configuring a Secondary IP Address
If you wish to configure a Secondary VRRP address, first configure one IP address (the primary address)
for the VR. You can then add multiple Secondary addresses to that interface.
1. Open the Router Configuration
page. Because you first configured the primary address, now the
Secondary IP Address button appears at the bottom of the page.
2. Click the Secondary IP Address button.
Virtual Router Secondary Address page displays.