Toshiba – Toshiba LF434 User Manual

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6 F . 8 A 0 7 7 0 .

(3) Unit of spurt

One of the following engineering units as a unit for the span can he selected. The unit is sci

for the range 1 and the same unit applies autoinaiiealiy to other ranges—range

2 ,

range 3

and range 4,

* Flow veloeUy:

lo/s, (ft/s)

* Flow rate:

rnVs, mVmin, mVh, mVd

1/s, 1/min, L'li, 1/d

nifi's, rnl/min, ml/Jt, ml/d

(hbl/s), (bbJ/min), (bbJ/h), (bbl/d)

(gal/min), (gal/h), (gal/d)

Units in parentheses, such as "bbr, "gal” and “ft'’ arc shown only when the meter si/e is

selected in inches. They are not shown when the meter size is scJecied in mm,

if you change the unit, the new span based on the newly set unit will be automatically


fJnly in case of the converter for special specifications (refer to 7,3.3 ' Converter for Special

specifications”), l ime units /d, and flow rate units bbl/s, bhl/miii, bbl/h, bbl/d, bbl can be


