Toshiba – Toshiba LF434 User Manual

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10.1 Digital I/O Sped fica tions

DigilHl I/O Specifications for the LF4C4 converter are described below:

■ Digital Output KDOIJ (standard)

Output type: Transistor open collector
Number of outputs:



3Ü V dc, 2ÜÜ mAmaximujii

■ Digital Output 2(DOZ ) (option),

Output lype:

SolidsUUe relay (non polarity)

Number of outputs; 1

50 V dc, 150 mA maximum

■ Digital Input (Dl ) (option),

inpul signal: 20 to 30 V dc voltage signal

* High input level—20 to 30 V dc
• I^w input level—2 V dc nmimuin

Input resistance:

ApproxiiriiUely 2,7 k

Number of iopuls: One point

• l£adi I/O terminal can be used as a specified function terminal when selected.
• Terminal COM is the signal COMMON for Ihc other three terminals (DOl, D02 and Dl).
• Fach lerminal is isolated from Ihe internal circuits,

frhe output terminals are noi isolaled from each other.)


