Ivxpladation of signal words, Warning, Caution – Toshiba LF434 User Manual

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Siifeiy signs and InhcJs affixed to Ihc product iUid/ur dcscribetl in Ihis manual give imporLaiU

inibrmation for using the produci saldy. I’hcy help prevent damage lo property and obviate

hazards for persons using the product.

Make yourself familiar with signal words and symbols used for safety signs and lab els/Then

read the safely precautions that follow to prevent an accident involving personal injuiy>

death or damage to [>ropcrty,

IvxplaDation of signal words

'flic signal word or words are used to designate a degree or level of hazard seriousness,

I’he sigrial words used for the product described in this manual arc WARNING and




Indicates a potentially ha/ardous situation

which, if not avoided, could result in death or

‘icrious injury,



Indicates n potentially iiazardous silualion

which, if not avoided, may result in minor to

moderate injuries or in properly damage.

Safety symbols

The following symbols arc used in safely signs and labels affixed to a product and/or in the

manual for giving safely inslniciioiiM.


Indicates an action that is prohibilud. Simply [DON’T do this action,

The prohibited action is indicated by a picture or text inside or next to

the circk

Indicates an action that is mandatory, DO this action.

The mandatory action is indicated by a picture or text inside or next lo

the circle.


Indicarcs a poieniial hazard, The potentially hazardous situation is

indicated by a picture or text inside or next to (he triangle.


