5 fraction collector – BUCHI PrepChrom C-700 User Manual
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Description of function | 4
PrepChrom C700
4way aspiration valve
The 4way aspiration valve allows to perform quaternary gradients. A 5
can be used for air purge of flash columns.
External connectors allow to plug in a solvent level sensor (see 10.3 Optional
accessories [
page 102]. The maximum length of all external cables connected
to the system is 2 meters.
4.3.5 Fraction collector
After the detection of the signal (chromatogram), the eluent at the outlet of the
column (peaks) can be directed to glass tubes disposed on racks. A builtin
waste valve allows to choose between the collection or the rejection (waste) of
the liquid.
The collector is provided with 2 stainless steel racks for 18 mm diameter glass
tubes as standard. That represents in all 128 glass tubes.