Rice Lake 880 Performance Series Indicator/Controller Technical/Service Manual User Manual
Page 95

Ethernet and USB
• When set to a higher value, the connection will be terminated after inactivity for the specified period of
time, in seconds.
The timeout feature is useful when several indicators want to print to the same printer.
Connecting to a Remote Host - Stream weight data to an Ethernet Remote Display
1. Connect the 880 and Remote Display either directly
to each other (each with a
Ethernet Remote Display
TCP Port: 10001
880 Client
Remote IP:
Remote Port: 10001
Static IP on the same
subnet), or through an Infrastructure Network.
2. Configure the Client Remote Server IP and port to
the IP address and TCP port of the remote display.
3. Configure the trigger setting for the Client to either
Stream Industrial (STRIND), or Stream Legal-for-
Trade (STRLFT).
4. To prevent data overrun on the receiving device (the
880 will stream data at up to 50 frames per second),
it is recommended the Client’s End-of-Line Delay be
set to 1 (10 frames per second) or 2 (5 frames per
second), or higher. This is also a good way to help
reduce network traffic if speed is not a concern. If data at the remote display appears to lag, or get behind
the data on the indicator, the End-of-Line Delay may need to be increased even more.
5. Shortly after returning to weigh mode, the 880 will start to stream data to the Ethernet Client port. The 880
will then attempt to make the connection. The data will be sent to the Remote Host once connected. This
may take several seconds.
There may be several seconds worth of buffered data sent at the moment of connection.
Connecting to a Remote Host, Stream/Demand Data to Remote Ethernet-to-RS-232 Device Server
1. Connect the 880 and device
server either directly to
Ethernet to RS-232
Device Server
TCP Port: 10001
880 Client
Remote IP:
Remote Port: 10001
Serial Device
such as a Printer,
Remote Display,
or Serial Scale in
an Indicator
Figure 9-4. Stream or Demand Data to a Remote Ethernet
to RS232 Device Server
each other
(each with a static IP on the same
subnet), or through an
infrastructure network.
2. Configure the Client Remote
Server IP and port to the IP
address and TCP port of the
device server.
3. Configure the trigger setting for
the client to either command
mode (COMAND), stream
industrial (STRIND), or stream
Legal-for-Trade (STRLFT),
depending on the application.
4. Connect the serial output of the device server to the serial device set to send or receive data through the
Ethernet connection.
In this configuration, the
has to initiate the connection