6 parameters, key Page 17

2.6. Parameters, key
785 DMP Titrino
2.6 Parameters, key
The key is used for the entry of values that
determine the modes. Values marked with "cond." are
accessible during the conditioning in the SET mode.
"**titr." means that these values can be changed dur-
ing the titration. They influence the ongoing determina-
tion. Other values can only be changed in the inactive
The display texts of the Titrino are shown to the left.
The values are the default values.
2.6.1 Parameters for DET and MET
titration parameters
determine the course of the titration and measured
value acquisition.
stop conditions:
Parameters for the automatic termination of the titra-
Calculation of mean values and standard deviation,
see page 41.
Parameters for the evaluation of EP's, fix EP's, and
ON/OFF of various auxiliary functions such as auto-
matic requests after the start and activate pulse.
>titration parameters
meas.pt.density 4
min.incr. 10.0 ul
V step 0.10 ml
General titration parameters
Measuring point density (0...9)
0 means highest density, 9 lowest. Selection of the
meas.pt.density, see page 20.
Minimum increment (0...999.9 uL)
The increment is dispensed at the beginning of the
titration and in the region of the equivalence point.
Size of volume increment (0...9.999 mL)
Dosing step. Small volume increments are needed to
determine blank values or to assure accuracy with
highly unsymmetrical curves. Selection of size of the
increment, see page 20.
>titration parameters
>stop conditions