Rockwell Automation Liqui-Flo V2.0 AC Drive User Manual

Page 217

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Rockwell Automation Publication D2-3518-3 - May 2013


Chapter 10

Table 26 - Drive Does Not Respond to Changes in Speed Command

Table 27 - Motor and/or Drive Does Not Accelerate to Commanded Speed

Table 28 - Motor Operation is Unstable

Table 29 - Drive Does Not Reverse Motor Direction

Table 30 - Stopping the Drive Results in a Decel Inhibit Fault



Corrective Action

OIM Status Line indicates At
and output is 0 Hz.

No value is coming from the source of the command.

1. If the source is an analog input, check wiring and use a meter to check for

presence of signal.

2. Check Commanded Freq (2) for correct source.


Incorrect reference source has been programmed.

1. Check Speed Ref Source (213) for the source of the speed reference.
2. Reprogram Speed Ref A Sel (90) for correct source.


Incorrect reference source is being selected via remote device or
digital inputs.

1. Check Drive Status 1 (209), bits 12...15 for unexpected source selections.
2. Check Dig In Status (216) to see if inputs are selecting an alternate source.
3. Reprogram digital inputs to correct Speed Sel x option.



Corrective Action

Acceleration time is excessive.

Incorrect value in Accel Time x (140, 141).

Reprogram Accel Time x (140, 141).

Drive is forced into current limit,
slowing or stopping acceleration.

Excess load or short acceleration time.

Check Drive Status 2 (210), bit 10 to see if the drive is in current limit.
Remove excess load or reprogram Accel Time x (140, 141).

Speed command source or value
is not as expected.

Improper speed command.

Check for the proper speed command using steps 1...7 in table

Table 26


Programming is preventing the
drive output from exceeding
limiting values.

Incorrect programming.

Check Maximum Speed (82) and Maximum Freq (55) to insure that speed is not
limited by programming.



Corrective Action


Motor data was incorrectly entered or autotune was not

1. Correctly enter motor nameplate data.
2. Perform static or rotate autotune procedure (61).



Corrective Action


Digital input is not selected for reversing control.

Check Digital Inx Sel. Choose correct input and program for reverse.

Digital input is incorrectly wired.

Check input wiring.

Direction Mode (190) parameter is incorrectly programmed.

Reprogram Direction Mode (190) for analog bipolar or digital unipolar control.

Motor wiring is improperly phased for reverse.

Switch two motor leads.

A bipolar analog speed command input is incorrectly wired or
signal is absent.

1. Use meter to check that an analog input voltage is present.
2. Check wiring.
Positive voltage commands forward direction.
Negative voltage commands reverse direction.



Corrective Action

Decel Inhibit fault screen.
LCD status line indicates Faulted.

The bus regulation feature is enabled and is halting deceleration
due to excessive bus voltage. Excess bus voltage is normally due
to excessive regenerated energy or unstable AC line input
Internal timer has halted drive operation.

1. Reprogram bus regulation (parameters 161 and 162) to eliminate any

Adjust Freq selection.

2. Disable bus regulation (parameters 161 and 162) and add a dynamic


3. Correct AC input line instability or add an isolation transformer.
4. Reset drive.